Since ada orang tu sangat suka baca blog aku pasal Rindu tu. Aku nak tulis lah pasal dia. Okayy? haha :p Oh hello Abdul Afiq. Isit you? Oh yes its youu! Antara Nuar, Shaqriz dan Afiq. Afiq lagi lama laah en dikenali haha :p Oh shussh tra. Sensetive issue there :p Kidding. Dia maybe , i repeat MAYBE he's good guy, tapi kerek dia Ya Allah, tak terkata haha ;D Tuhan je tau macam mana kerek manusia bernama afiq ni haha.
Well one of a good friend of mine :) So thank you for being a good friend for me :) Maybe there's a good reason i said his my good friend, im the only one knows why :) Well let see, he's kindly tall and DARK :p Sorry dude, but you're :D Hmm what about this good friend ya? Ermm i dont know much about you. But some part of it ;)
Its been a long time didnt lepak with those guys kann, i miss you guys :( Well almaklumlaah semua belajar kan sekarang. Memang susah laa. And plus semua nak ada girlf sekarang. HAHA okay shut up tra! Weii i rindu gila dohh kat koraaaang :O Hmm pape je laah. Nanti kita lepak together yehh? yehh yehh? :)
Not much to say but Take Care friend :)
Listening - Rossa, Ungu.
Tigha! (:
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